MAY 6, 2009
Members Present: Al Berg, Paul Challenger, Jim Dunn, Peter Lacy, Rick Bates, Glenn Gaudette, Don Mancini, Marilynn Foley
The meeting was called to order at 7:00.
The Committee continued its deliberations on the town's budgets.
A motion by Paul 2nd by Rick to increase line 5150 in the Personnel Budget (wage adjustment) $219,000.00 for a total revised budget $285,544.00 was voted unanimously.
A motion by Paul 2nd by Jim to reduce line 5175 in the Insurance Budget by $219,000.00 for a revised total of $1,232,000.00 was voted unanimously.
A motion by Paul 2nd by Jim to increase line 5746 in the Insurance Budget (health flexible spending account) by $3,400.00 to a revised total of $8,000.00 was voted unanimously.
A motion by Paul 2nd by Jim to decrease line 5747 in the Insurance Budget (health reimbursement account) by $5,000.00 to a new total of $15,000.00 was voted unanimously.
A motion by Paul 2nd by Don to decrease line 5918 in the Debt Budget (IIF) by $100,000.00 to reflect the Recreation Revolving Fund Contribution for the pool and add $41,700.00 from the general fund for a revised total of $166,535.00 was voted 7-1 (abstained Peter).
A motion by Paul 2nd by Jim to increase line 5918 in the Debt Budget $41,700.00 (IIF) payment on town building project was voted unanimously.
A motion by Jim 2nd by Glenn to add a new line in the Debt Budget for non exempt debt of $22,000.00 for interest on loan payment for the December ice storm was voted unanimously.
A motion by Jim 2nd by Paul to vote a revised debt budget of $3,727,281.00 was voted 7-1 (abstained Peter).
A motion by Paul 2nd by Jim to decrease line 5175 in the Inspection Revolving Fund (Health Insurance) by $8,000.00 to a new total of $20,000.00 for a revised budget total of $203,817.00 was voted unanimously.
A motion by Paul 2nd by Jim to decrease line 5175 in the Solid Waste Revolving Fund (Health Insurance) by $2,500.00 to a new total of $8,500.00 for a revised Budget of $1,009,434.00 was voted unanimously.
A motion by Paul 2nd by Marilynn to approve a revised After School Revolving Fund total of $270,768.00 (maximum amount by state law) was voted unanimously.
A motion by Paul 2nd by Marilynn to decrease line 5175 in the Recreation Revolving Fund (Health Insurance) by $1,300.00 to a new total of $5,200.00 for a revised budget of $306,841.00 was voted unanimously.
A motion by Rick 2nd by Glenn to approve the printed budget for Public Safety-Police was voted unanimously.
Motion Assignments for Town Meeting:
Paul - Education
Marilynn - General Government
Glenn - Debt Service and Ice Storm
Rick - Public Safety, Fire Stabilization Fund, Borrowing Fire Equipment
Jim - Public Works
Al - Water/Sewer, W/S Stabilization Fund
Don - Human Services
Peter - Culture
Peter - Solid Waste Revolving Fund
Jim - DPW Depreciation Fund, Chapter 90 Funds
Don - Recreation Revolving Fund
Marilynn - Cable Revolving Fund
Glenn - Inspection Revolving Fund
Peter - IIF
A motion by Jim 2nd by Glenn to approve the minutes of April 30, 2009 as amended was voted unanimously.
Rick reported that the Public Safety Building is ready to go with groundbreaking to be about June 20th.
The meeting adjourned at 9:05.
Respectfully Submitted,
Marilynn Foley, Clerk